Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Once again, after a months-long hiatus of blogging, here I am. It seems pretty pointless at this point to make yet another resolution to blog on a more regular basis, as I think I may just not be cut out for that. Who knows? Whatever the case may be, it seems pretty clear that it simply is not a large enough priority for me to actually put the required time and effort into it when push comes to shove.

It's unclear as to whether anyone even reads this anymore, as I've really given the minute readership I may have once had no reason to stick around. As that seems the most likely case, I think any blogging I here do will be for myself; this will undoubtably be unapologetic in nature, to say the least - perhaps for the purpose of processing my thoughts on hard issues (probably spiritual in nature), perhaps for simply getting things off my chest.

If you're still here... well... thanks? I can't say you'll like what you see because, well, you may end up seeing nothing, as you have seen here for the past several months, as well as for the several months previous to that. If you do see something, it will may very likely be something that won't be pretty, well thought out, or even necessarily intelligent. I've got a lot of things on my mind, things that showcase my spiritual ugliness. Lord have mercy.

1 comment:

Emily said...

you're welcome!
; D

(I am a creature of habit, there are blogs on my list on which I click that have not been updated in even longer than yours.)

and as for the "it will may very likely be something that won't be pretty, well thought out, or even necessarily intelligent," well, I prefer your honest raw thoughts to your papers any day (though I always enjoy your papers as well).

miss you, friend.